Uploading Files
Uploading The terraPen uses gcode files to control machine and pen movement.
You can use various tools to convert your work into gcode, for example there are gcode plugins for Inkscape, online gcode generators such as Laserweb, or desktop applications like DrawingBotV3 that converts images for plotting and directly output gcode.
Lightburn, which while designed for laser cutters, generates very well optimized gcode that works great with terraPen.
There are also command line tools like vpype that can output gcode. You can even output code directly from your own generative art if you wish.
However you generate your gcode, you can upload it to your terraPen so you can plot it.
Navigate back to the panel titled SD Files (fig. 1, F).
To upload new files, click on the “Upload” button and select the file(s) you want to upload and click “Open”.
Your files will now start uploading to terraPen and a progress indicator will be displayed.
Note: Uploading large files can take some time. Existing files can be deleted by clicking on the “Trashcan” icon (fig. 1, Fa). Files can be stored in folders and folders can be created by clicking the “Add folder” icon (fig. 1, F).
Total SD card storage space used is also shown at the bottom of the panel.