First Plot
Calibration Plot Remove the original calibration plot from the baseboard and flip the paper over and re-mount in the corner tabs.
After removing the Velcro strap, carefully position the carriage to the front left corner of the paper stock using the jog wheel.
Pen Height – Lift the pen holder up as far as it will go, it should click into place and hold once engaged.
To install the included pen in the pen holder at the correct height, the provided height setting puck (fig. 3).
Let the pen nib fall onto the puck before tightening the pen holder so the pen is held securely. Setting Zero - You need to choose a starting point for your work, typically the front left corner of your stock.
Click the “Zero XY” button (fig. 1, D). When you start plotting, the machine will start from this position.
Refresh the SD File viewer panel (fig. 1, F), this will show what files are on the onboard storage.
Ensure your paper is secure, the pen is tight in the holder, the pen is at the front left corner and the machine is set at X0, Y0, Z0 – when ready, press the play symbol inline to the file you wish to plot (fig. 1, Fa) and your terraPen will plot the calibration file!
As the artwork is stored on the terraPen, you can plot untethered with no PC connected!